After Reading [The Sisters]

The sisters, by James Joyce, 1904

Rate : 7/10

 'The Sisters' contains many themes, but in fact, it seems difficult to understand exactly what it is about. The story told by the perspective of a child and deals with the death of a priest named Father Fylnn. 

 What reason was Father Flynn paralyzed and suffered mental distress? I don't know exactly, but I thought that some oppression and pain of Catholicism, which was prevalent in Irish society at the time, and the writer's gaze on it might have been seen as his "paralysis". His guilt and pain in the corrupt act of trading a priest, depicted as a word 'simony', led to paralysis and would have kept him in an unstable state of mind until he passed away. So the child would feel a sense of freedom after his death, even he relied on him, and I thought it could be understood as freedom for corruption and oppression. 

 It was difficult to understand because it ended in open endings and there were so many difficult sentences to interpret. However, I think I got a chance to think a lot about myself while reading it too. That's why I rate this story in 7 out of 10.


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