After reading [Araby]

Araby, by James Joyce, 1914

Rate : 9/10

 Everyone must have had a crush at least once. We would have thought that we can do anything for our love, and we would have tried to get closer somehow. The story seemed to illustrate such subtle feelings through the child's perspective. It was so easy to sympathize, and through lots of devices in the story, I was able to immerse myself in it even more deeply, although story is short.

 Specifically, I really liked the part which the protagonist felt disappointed when he went the dark Bazzar, where he'd been looking forward to. I came up with the new word 
in Korean "hyeonta(현타)", I thought it is the word matched really well with the protagonist's disappointment realized through the light-out Araby, which he really expected to go. I felt that KMLA and Araby are similar, because I really expected and looked forward to go it, but after admission, I realized the harsh reality in here. So I could sympathized in story very much. I thought it is a story that expressed the experience that everyone would have, in which fantasy and expectation turned into disappointment and emptiness. So I think it was the best story I've ever read in this class.


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